The Magic of Music in Language Learning

Learn how music can increase the fun of learning a language, while improving pronunciation.

Music and Learning a Language 

Teachers can use music in the classroom to help their students learn a second language. With music being a natural mnemonic device – a tool that helps to memorize a series of words – it makes it a great option for a language teacher to add to their teaching toolkit. This blog post will demonstrate how music can increase the fun of learning a language. It will also give an insight into how music improves pronunciation and finally how teachers can use Nualang and music harmoniously as a supplementary tool for the classroom.

Nualang, language learning and music

Improving Pronunciation 

Singing is an interactive and fun way to help improve your pronunciation. Music helps a student build their vocabulary with the context of the given song.  The University of Edinburgh in Scotland carried out an analysis of how singing can improve language learning. The test consisted of two groups of adults being challenged to listen to 15 minutes of listening to some phrases. The first group had to recite the phrases normally, while the second group was challenged to sing the phrases back. The researchers discovered those who used singing scored higher than the others.

Louise Egan, an English language consultant, gave some insights as to how singing helps to improve pronunciation. She detailed that repetition gives learners ready-made vocabulary, grammar, and sentences. Further, when singing, the tongue and jaw are using mouth muscles to help naturally pronounce words that would be difficult to pronounce alone. 

How a teacher can use music to make language learning fun 

1. Starting simple

Teachers should begin by choosing songs that are easy to understand with simple vocab. This way, the students will be able to easily follow the song and have fun.

2. Have fun with it

Select songs that their students will enjoy learning in the target language. Choosing songs with a catchy hook or a chorus that is repeated 4/5 times is another good technique commonly used. 

3. Lyrics are your friend

Use the lyrics in both languages. Teachers should be encouraged to listen to the song a few times in class while reading the lyrics in both languages. This enables the students to hear how the words are spelled and pronounced in different dialects. Don’t be afraid to get your students to hum along, and to help them understand what’s being sung.

4. Sing along to the song

Once your students have become familiar and comfortable with the song (particularly the chorus), get your students to begin singing along with it. It’s when they sing that they will have the most fun and when their pronunciation will improve the most.

How Nualang and Music in the classroom can work together

Nualang is a great way to add to the fun of using music in the classroom. Teachers can create chatbot quizzes with ease.

“Vivir mi Vida” by Marc Anthony is a popular song sung in Spanish. Challenge your student to listen to the song, become familiar with the lyrics, and then get them to answer the questions on the chatbot. 

Roleplay exercise screen

After completing the exercise, begin making your fun chatbot quiz to help your students improve their pronunciation and most importantly to have fun in the language classroom.


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