The Magic Formula of Comprehensible Input

Learn how comprehensible input can transform your language learning classroom with our 6 tips.

Many different techniques have been implemented in World Language classrooms across the globe to support their students in excelling in learning their target language. The students whose language learning has been supported by comprehensible input will always succeed in fluency quicker. That is why you must use comprehensible input in your classrooms to allow your students to thrive.

Students and teacher in language classroom

What is Comprehensible Input? 

According to Dr Stephen Krashen, comprehensible input is exposing learners to compelling listening and reading texts that are slightly more advanced than the learner’s current language capabilities. He believes that comprehensible input is one thing everyone needs to acquire a new language. For the most part, the learner must understand what they are reading and listening to through messages to enable them to acquire a language effectively.

The magic formula for comprehensible input is:

 i + 1

‘i’ is the current language ability of the learner, and ‘1’ is the additional unknown part which will lead to acquiring the new language.

Here are some of our top tips for incorporating CI into your classroom

1. Comprehensible but compelling

Ensure that content is not only comprehensible to your students but that it is compelling. Different stages of the language learning process, from Beginner to Advanced, will need various levels of compelling materials for acquiring the language effectively. Ask your students what topics interest them and base content around this. Students will be more interested and engaged in learning about things they love. Reading, writing, and speaking about these topics will allow students to acquire their new language subconsciously.

Language learning textbook

2. Not too easy, not too difficult

The correct balance of the introduction of new vocabulary is vital. Using material where 10-15% of the vocabulary is unknown is recommended. Students can then contextualize the gaps to acquire the new language. Making the ‘+1’ into a ‘+2’ in the magic formula may be too challenging for students, and they will lose motivation. Nualang can be utilized to learn the new vocabulary through inputting phrases with unknown words – repetition of these phrases throughout the exercises will allow students to be more comprehensible on the content. 

3. Grammar is not the be-all and end-all

Step away from having grammar as your primary focus within the classroom. When toddlers learn a language for the first time, they do not learn it through grammar lessons. Grammar at this age is subconsciously and naturally learned through listening to others speak and reading children’s books. Take this into consideration within your classrooms, and let your students subconsciously gain knowledge of grammar. Always guide, direct, and explain grammatical structures but do not bore them. 

4. Allow students to take control

Allow students to take control of making the work more understandable for themselves. Dedicate time for this before or after activities in class. All students may be at different levels, so this is an important exercise to implement within your classroom as a daily ritual. Encourage students to share the vocabulary which was difficult for them and use these phrases to build exercises in Nualang.

Happy language students

5. Contextualise vocabulary

Use imagery or prompts to guide students in making materials comprehensible. Anything which may help make the material comprehensible is valuable. Nualang allows for use of imagery for exercises to help students with their new vocabulary. This supports students massively in acquiring the language. 

6. Build a safe space

Acquisition of a new language through comprehensible input will not be successful unless your classroom is a safe space for your students, where they can embrace their new language. They should be motivated to learn it, have high self-esteem in their capabilities, and have no anxieties about learning the language. Encourage students and continuously remind them that language learning is not striving for perfection as it is a different process than learning subjects such as geography or biology. Nualang will allow students when at the appropriate level, to start speaking their new language in a safe space in the comfort of their own homes without the anxieties and fears of saying it aloud in classrooms, to begin with.

Confident student presenting

As Dr Stephen Krashen stated, we only learn a language in one way when we get comprehensible input in a low-anxiety environment. Allow Nualang to assist you in achieving comprehensible and compelling input through our various exercises. Input phrases that interest your students and watch them improve and build confidence in their new language.

Try implementing comprehensible input in your language classroom and let us support you on the journey to enable your students to build fluency with a 30-day free trial with Nualang..


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