How Nualang can help achieve ACTFL’s Communications Standards

Nualang's innovative solution for World Language Learning helps support Educators in achieving ACTFL's Communications Standards

The ACTFL World-Readiness Standards for Learning Languages and the five “C” goal areas:

  1. Communication
  2. Cultures
  3. Connections
  4. Comparisons
  5. Communities

provide an excellent framework designed to encourage the application of learning a language beyond the instructional setting. With these standards, students must apply their skills and understanding of a language to bring global competence to their future careers and experiences. Supporting students in these goal areas takes thought and planning. In this blog, we will share some innovative ways to use Nualang to support the ACTFL Communications goal, which covers Interpersonal, Interpretive, and Presentational Communication.

A closer look at the Communication Standards

The goal is for students to communicate comfortably and effectively in more than one language across various settings, contexts, and situations. Let’s look at each one separately.

Interpersonal Communication

Standard: Learners interact and negotiate meaning in spoken, signed, or written conversations to share information, reactions, feelings, and opinions.

Interpersonal Communication can seem almost impossible to practice in the classroom. Contrary to popular belief, educators only have two eyes and cannot be in two places at once. Therefore, monitoring group and pair speaking exercises to a satisfactory level are often unfeasible.

How Nualang can support simulating a real-world conversation and interactions?

With Nualang, students can use a Roleplay or Chatbot to develop their Interpersonal Communication skills without the anxiety that can sometimes come with speaking in front of peers.

Nualang Chatbot

Nualang Chatbot exercise

Interpretive Communication

Standard: Learners understand, interpret, and analyse what is heard, read, or viewed on various topics.

How Nualang can help develop interpretive skills?

Nualang offers various opportunities for students to practice their comprehension skills. In fact, our Roleplays are perfect for practising this standard. With Roleplays, students can practise deriving and interpreting meaning from a roleplay script and use what they have read and reviewed to communicate back to their Nuala conversation partner.

Nualang Roleplay

Roleplay exercise

Presentational Communication

Standard: Learners present information, concepts, and ideas to inform, explain, persuade, and narrate on various topics using appropriate media and adapting to various audiences of listeners, readers, or viewers.

How can Nualang engage students in presentation activities?

Nualang can help language learners develop the key skills they need to present information comfortably. Educators can create a course on a topic that interests students. Allowing students to choose a topic of interest and practise without fear of embarrassment results in more confident and proficient communicators. The best part is that students will receive instant feedback from the Nualas on all their practice attempts.

Nualang Roleplay and Instant Feedback

Nualang Roleplay exercise Instant feedback

Nualang will supplement your teaching methods to meet these standards. If you would like to learn more about how Nualang can help you, contact us for a demo today at or sign-up for a 30-day free trial with no commitments.


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